Having a duck call tuned to fit you is crucial. A call tuned to fit you will perform better, sound better and make you a better hunter. Our laser cut reed system allows callers of any skill set to tune their duck call without the need to ever cut reeds.
We offer five styles of reeds each with a unique profile that gives you a different sound and feel. Each reed features a tuning tang and they are engraved with the size and style. The tuning tang is designed to fit in the tone channel and locks the reed in place keeping it centered. The engraving lets you know the reed orientation, reed length and style. Tuned engraving up the reed will have more rasp and less hold. Tuned engraving down the reed will have less rasp and more hold.
So how do you tune your call with our reeds?
Find the reed style that gives you sound you want. Next decide if you like the that reed style tuned engraving up or down. Remember engraving up has more rasp, engraving down has more hold. After that we move on to reed length. The larger the reed number in the series the longer the reed. You want to find the longest reed you can run comfortably. Why is that?, a longer reed has few advantages over a shorter reed. The longer the reed the more range your call will have. A longer reed will also help you not stick the call by creating more leverage to break loose from the tone board. A longer reed paired with the air grooves we machine into our tone boards will make your call pretty stick proof.
How do you know what reed length is correct for you? You want to find the reed that is just a little to much to run and then back off the length one or two steps.
Quad air groove system
We recommend flexing your new reed up a few times and running your call for a few seconds. This lets the reed know which way it needs to go removes any burrs left from the laser when it was cut. If you need more instructions on this check out our website or Youtube for video on our reed system.